Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Spotlight on: Adam Hughes

If you don't know Adam Hughes by now then you need to crawl out of your trash can, buy yourself a beer, and go kill yourself. Or go check out some of his covers because they are amazing. This man is one of the best artists in the comic book industry and his Eisner award proves it. He has done incredible and beautiful covers for both Wonder Woman and Catwoman. Both of his runs on those comics are finished but he has a lot more coming up. He supposedly has a Wonder Woman limited series coming which he does the pencils for. I can't wait to see what this guy is going to do next.

Catwoman, boobs, and the Lost numbers. I couldn't ask for more in a cover.

Check out his website www.justsayah.com

Also check out his deviant art where he posts new sketches all the time

Adam hughes ZatannaAdam Hughes Wonder Woman

For another great artist, check out the Spotlight on David Mack

1 comment:

  1. Adam Hughes can do no wrong.
    I'd love to see Adam Hughes, Jo Chen, and James Jean duke it out in a comic-cover contest :::drool:::
