Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Comic Con 09: Dark Horse Panel

Let me preface this by telling you that I love Dark Horse comics. Hellboy, Buffy, and Conan are some of my favorites. Take this into consideration before reading the rant below.

I was looking forward to the Dark Horse Panel at Comic-Con more than any other. I couldn't wait to hear all the exciting news on Star Wars, Buffy, Conan, Hellboy, BPRD, Kull, Aliens, and Predator. This is just an excerpt of was the events guide said of the panel. "With breaking news on all of your favorite Dark Horse titles, major announcements and surprise guests, be the first to know about heroes, horror, and more!" When I read that I knew that this is where I needed to be at.

When the panel began, the president came on stage and told the audience that huge announcements were ahead. He definitely got us pumped up because he told us the best was going to saved for the end.

After a boring preview of virtual trading cards(stupid idea btw), Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance) was introduced to discuss Umbrella Academy. The crowd went wild because no one thought that he was even an option for a surprise guest. This got me even more excited because if they brought in Gerard Way who else would be showing up? Maybe Mignola or even Joss Whedon?!? Then Eric Powell of the Goon came up to talk about his new stuff which was cool but he was only on stage for maybe one minute.

Then they shifted gears towards manga and talked about some new books being brought over from Japan. New movies were also talked about but none of them worth writing here. Soon they opened the floor to questions. I thought to myself that they were probably stalling for a big name to show up. Mostly the questions were related to the properties they didn't talk about like Buffy. Once nobody else had any questions, they thanked us for coming and there were some really big announcements that they wanted to share with us but they weren't quite ready yet?!?!? What the Fuck!

I have no idea what happened but I was almost speechless when they ended the panel. They didn't talk about any of the comics I love and the ones they did talk was only because someone in the audience brought it up. I think the best part of the panel was the slideshow. It was very poorly made and it previewed comics that they didn't even mention like Terminator. I can't believe I skipped an Adam Hughes panel so I could sit through this shit. How could they not even talk about Buffy. It's one of their best selling titles and by the looks of the crowd, they were only there to hear about Buffy. I am very disappointed in Dark Horse and I hope that next year they do a lot better.

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